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The Tattau – A D&D 5e Class
This class is dedicated to the ancient art of infusing tattoos with magic giving the user magic literally at their finger tips.

AlterKnight – A D&D 5E Class
The AlterKnight studies the nature of magic in order to bring to justice those who would abuse it for their own ends.

Path of the Grappler
The Path of the Grappler is sub-class for the D&D 5e Barbarian giving them control over their opponents.
All Resources
A D&D 5e Class – AlterKnights are a half caster class designed to combat magic users.
A D&D 5e Class – A half caster class dedicated to art of tattoos.
A D&D 5e Barbarian Sub-Class designed to turn your barbarian into the ultimate grappler.
A D&D 5e Barbarian Sub-Class designed to use the ancient power of dragons to fuel your rage.

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