Path of the Grappler
A D&D 5e Barbarian Path
The path to victory sometimes relies on your ability to control your opponent’s ability to fight back. The Path of the Grappler is all about wrapping your opponent up so they can’t attack you or anyone who is with you.
Grapple Initiate
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, whenever you rage you can add your rage bonus damage amount to all grapple checks. This is in addition to your athletics modifier. You also gain a static Grapple DC that is used for all checks and saving throws for any creature you have grappled calculated using your strength modifier as seen below.
Escape DC = 10 + your strength modifier + your proficiency modifier
Grapple Maneuvers
Beginning at 6th level, if you have a creature grappled, once per turn you can replace one of your attacks with one of the following grapple maneuvers.
Stunning Slam: You can slam a creature you have grappled against a wall, an object, or the floor and attempt to stun them. The creature must make a constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
Giant Swing: You swing the creature you have grappled around full circle after which you can let the creature go in the direction of your choice. The creature is thrown 10ft in that direction taking 9 (2d8 plus your rage bonus if you’re raging) bludgeoning damage and they land prone.
Sleeper Hold: You wrap your arms around the creatures neck and attempt to put it to sleep. The creature must make a constitution saving throw or fall asleep for a minute.
Charge Grapple
At 10th level, you can replace one of your attacks with a charge grapple. You must move at least 10ft straight toward a target and then attempt a grapple. If you are successful, you then choose one of the following maneuvers. If you fail to grapple the target, you push them 5ft in the direction of the charge.
Tackle: After a successful charge grapple, you can tackle the target which, takes 9 (2d8 plus your rage bonus if you’re raging) bludgeoning damage as you both land prone in the ground. You then make two unarmed strikes against the target.
Arm Breaker: After a successful charge grapple, you can wrap up the target’s arm as you both land prone on the ground. The target takes 9 (2d8 plus your rage bonus if you’re raging) bludgeoning damage and weapon attacks are made at disadvantage until the creature is healed.
Leg Breaker: After a successful charge grapple, you can wrap up the target,s legs as you both land prone on the ground. The target takes 9 (2d8 plus your rage bonus if you’re raging) bludgeoning damage and their speed is halved until the creature is healed.
Grapple Master
At level 14, you have gained mastery over the ability to grapple. This grants you several features:
Unencumbered: While grappling a creature, you can move your full movement speed on your turn.
Size Doesn’t Matter: Using both arms, you can now grapple creatures up to two sizes larger than yourself. Normal grapple rules apply.
Restraining Grapple: If you use both arms to grapple a creature no more than one size larger than you, the target is considered restrained.