With the state of role playing games these day, we here at You Friendly Dragon have decided to create our own core rpg system giving players even more freedom in their table top playing choices. That core rpg system is called Way of the Wyvern and we plan on providing a lot more detail in the coming weeks but for now here are a few easy questions we can answer.
What is Way of the Wyvern?
Way of the Wyvern will be a core rpg system that at its center is a classless system that will give players the freedom to create characters their way. Once published we plan to use the open creative license once it is released. We are hoping to develop Way of the Wyvern into a vastly customizable table top role playing game that allows for complete control over your character and how you play the game.
When will we see playtest material?
We are currently working hard on the core rule-set and are hoping to have a rough version of the SRD by then end of February. Use the form below to sign up for updates on our progress and to get the first look at playtest material when it becomes available.
Where can we get progress reports on this project?
Keep an eye out here for updates as we continue to work on this exciting new project. You can also use the form below to get updates emailed to you.
2/12/23 Update
The core skills for Way of the Wyvern (WotW) are nearing completion. Each core skill will have several branches that you will be able to specialize in. At levels1, 5, 9, 13 and 17 you will be able choose a skill to learn. That skill can be a new core skill such as Fighter, Mage or Rogue, or you can specialize in any skill you already know. For instance, if at level 1 you choose to learn the Basic Fighter skill, at level 5 you could choose to learn the Basic Mage skill or you could learn the Intermediate Fighter skill. This will give you the base intermediate skills for Fighter and you would choose between learning Parry or learning to be a Duel Wielder. We are excited for everyone to test out this new system and will continue to work hard to bring this to life.
2/15/23 Update
We are excited to share with you some if the initial artwork for the Way of the Wyvern Logo.

11/3/23 Update
As with anything, things change drastically as we work on thing and we decided instead of pushing something out quickly, we wanted to make sure that anything we put out is as good as it can be. Hence the long period of time between now and the last time we put out an update. We are still working on Way of the Wyvern, but we have slowed things down a bit to make sure we create a quality product that everyone can enjoy. Keep checking back as we will keep you updated through out the coming months.
11/6/23 Update
We are excited to announce that we are partnering with Zen Core Media to help produce Way of the Wyvern. This partnership will bring new opportunities and even more creative power to this project. We will continue to update you through this post but you can also check out their page for more details.
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