New to this site? Let me introduce you to Your Friendly Dragon. Dragons have always been known to be wise and long-lived creatures whose intelligence rivals that of Einstein and his ilk. Here we do what we can to interpret all the knowledge Your Friendly Dragon bestows upon us in order to disseminate that wisdom across the land. Of course we aren’t quite as smart as Your Friendly Dragon is, so we might misinterpret things from time to time, but for the most part we do alright. And he hasn’t eaten any of us so we have that going for us.

The Stuff on This Site.

So what kind of information are you going to find on this site, you ask…? Well, you’re going to find battle maps to help tell your role-playing story. You will also find resources you can use to expand your game in any direction you want. There is a music section you can peruse in order to capture the perfect mood for your current setting. There are also random musing’s about everything tabletop gaming related that could be the next inspiration you need for your campaign.

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